Creative Egremont

Creative Egremont was an innovative community and public arts programme lead by Grizedale Arts in Egremont, West Cumbria.
In 2005 the Egremont & Area Regeneration Partnership took the unusual step of commissioning Grizedale Arts to create an evolving programme of temporary public art projects celebrating local culture, that would provide a platform for future cultural growth. Platform3 took over the development and maintenance of the Ceative Egremont website in 2005.
We then built three sister sites for the Creative Egemont project and designed various printed promotional material including; the Creative Egremont Newsletter, beer mats, Compention entry forms and archive submission forms.
Egremont FM
Egremont FM was a community radio station for Egremont and the surrounding areas. They were live on air on 107.7fm every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from February to March of 2007. Their aim was to get as many different local voices as we can in front of the microphone. They ran dj workshops in community centres and schools. The website was set up to promote participation, publish the broadcasting schedule and livecast the programme to a wider audience.
Ban This
A mini site set up to promote and document the EgremontFM team's work with school children.
Mobile Folk Archive
This site was created to promote the Mobile Folk Archive. It publicised the schedule of the 'Folk Float' a converted milk float which became mobile archive and toured the Egremont area displaying and collecting artefacts from the region.
The site also enabled the CE collaborators to upload images of artefacts on their toours via mobile phone. The website was an integral part of the on site engagement. Entries (images and text) were directly uploaded via a mobile phone and created an instant and extensive archive of all contributions. From dancing shoes to a giant marrow.
The Egremont Folk Archive was an ambitious project to create a new kind of museum for Egremont - a living museum which used historic and contemporary creativity to document and sustain the unique culture of this area. The long-term aim was to house the Archive in a permanent home with extensive cultural, community and social facilities.
In the short-term the folk float was an inspiring, thought-provoking and accessible Mobile Folk Archive which toured the region throughout summer 2007, displaying artefacts, collecting new ones and engaging the public.