Creative Capital

CreativeCapital was a network of arts organisations that provided professional development services to artists and creative professionals in London. CreativeCapital was a regularly funded organisation by Arts Council England, and was part of the national CreativePeop!e network. Platform3 project managed CreativeCapital from 2001, coordinating the network and managing the website and egroup (regular professional development opportunities sent out to subscribers by email).
As well as project management, Platform3 provided design and technical services for CreativeCapital. Along with the creation of a logo, a couple of brochures, we designed, built and continually edited an ever popular website and egroup. The egroup had over 2000 subscribers and was described by one of it's subscribers as a "fantastic resource".
Platform3 designed and developed the CreativeCapital website to include the following features:
- logo design & branding
- AAA compliant interface
- database driven website with content management system
- public submission of events on the website for distribution via the CreativeCapital egroup and posting on website
- editorial workflow
- members update their own details on the site
- tailored email newsletter system (subscribers select to receive emails relating to specific artforms or choose a weekly digest of all events)
- advanced search facilities
- auto archive feature for events
- automatically updated sitemap
I was so pleased to see the updated site (…) presenting a welcoming front to visitors. Thank youJulie McNamara, London Disability Arts Forum
Really clear and easy to navigate around. Didn't have any glitches either so all good.Lisa Scott, East London Dance
The CreativeCapital event listing on the website and via email is one of the best ways we have of knowing of other organisations’ offerings. It would be very difficult to track what’s available around town without it.Deborah Loth, Entreprise Centre for the Creative Arts (ECCA)