Creative People

CreativePeop!e was a national network providing information, advice and guidance to support all those who work in arts and craft industries in making the most of their careers.
Platform3 re-developed and maintained CreativePeop!e’s website from 2005 - 2010. In the first phase we ported their existing site to a new ISP, fixed existing application problems, commenting and documenting the code. Phase two work included a new database, cross-partner search facility and an online membership application system.
CreativePeop!e are delighted with the website developed for us by Platform3.Barbara Brunsdon, CreativePeop!e
Without dazzling us with jargon, the Platform3 team helped us clearly understand our technology options. As a creative organisation we appreciated their design-sensitive approach to meeting our needs.Barbara Brunsdon, CreativePeop!e
Their excellent technical expertise resulted in a secure transfer of our critical data and a reliable, accessible and flexible site. This is backed up by the reassurance of a very helpful and responsive support service.Barbara Brunsdon, CreativePeop!e